Company name / organization: Osaka University
Method / Name: Proximity sensor


光が透過したり反射したりするガラスやプラスチックなどの部品を滑らかに把持するためのロボット用光学式近接覚センサーを開発した。指先に発光ダイオード(LED) and a light-receiving element to measure the reflected signal and estimate the orientation of the surface to be grasped. This will make it easier for robots to handle objects such as pouches and transparent test tubes that reflect light. A proximity sensor is installed on the robot's fingertips. Eight LEDs are arranged surrounding the light receiving element. When the LED is turned on, the light reflected from the object to be grasped reaches the light receiving element. At this time, since the intensity of the reflected light changes depending on the angle of the surface, the orientation of the surface can be estimated.


  • Industry classification
  • Manufacturing industry Academic research, professional / technical service industry
  • Product category
  • Device sensor
  • Service classification
  • IoT marketing support
  • Correspondence area
  • Osaka
  • Release date
  • 2022/4/1