Company name / organization: Iris Ohyama
Method / Name: LiCONEX (Wireless Lighting Control System)

Articles about IoT networks

Iris's original mesh link protocol is an original communication method that enhances fault tolerance with adaptive channel hopping that automatically searches for available frequency channels. Since the 2.4GHz band is used by many devices, it has the disadvantage of unstable communication, but mesh link solves this problem with its automatic rerouting function, realizing stable high-speed communication that is not available anywhere else. did. You can freely adjust the brightness of each lighting unit or area to reduce unnecessary lighting and save energy. Using the schedule setting, it is possible to finely adjust the light for each hour and day of the week. Optionally, you can see the power consumption of the lit fixtures by year, month, week and day. It also supports a toning function that can control the color temperature.


  • Industry classification
  • Manufacturing industry Transportation building / housing Accommodation industry / food service industry Education Medical care, welfare Public
  • Product category
  • network
  • Service classification
  • Parts sales
  • Correspondence area
  • Miyagi
  • Release date
  • 2021/07/01
Communication classification 7