Company name/organization: Sabae City, Fukui Prefecture, Connect Free
Method/Name: EVER/IP (new communication standard)

Articles about IoT networks

We installed software that enables the use of this connect-free communication standard on two servers and one terminal, and first verified whether communication is actually possible and whether the systems and apps used by the city are working. ing. Generate a unique IP address for each device and create a direct network between devices. Based on the concept of "zero trust," which does not always trust the communication partner, the unique IP address generated using public key cryptography is verified each time a communication is made, so it is possible to reliably authenticate which device is accessing the service. If you have access privileges to that device, you can operate information at your workplace from home or on the go with the same privileges as your workplace device.


  • Industry classification
  • public
  • Product category
  • network
  • Service classification
  • IoT marketing support
  • Correspondence area
  • Fukui
  • source
  • Nihon Keizai Shimbun
  • Release date
  • 2021/09/01
Communication classification 1