Company Name/Organization: Energy Gateway, Informitis
Method/name: Storage battery AI optimum control system

Articles about IoT housing

Based on detailed power data collected from power sensors, AI algorithms are used to accurately predict household solar power generation and power consumption demand. An automatic control service for storage batteries that optimizes electricity charges while maximizing self-consumption. A power sensor installed on the distribution board measures the use of electricity, and an AI algorithm learns the daily use of electricity and predicts the amount of electricity used in the home. The smartphone app provides an easy-to-understand view of the flow of electricity, including the amount of electricity generated by the solar power generation system, the amount of self-consumption, and the amount of electricity sold, the amount of electricity used, the amount of consumption, the usage status of household appliances, and the amount of charge/discharge from the storage battery system. indicate.


  • Industry classification
  • Building / housing
  • Product category
  • Data processing / analysis
  • Service classification
  • Improve efficiency of main business, increase functions and sales
  • Correspondence area
  • Tokyo
  • Release date
  • 2021/03/01
Communication classification 1